Aire de camping cars - Sully
- Location and surroundings
- Facilities available
- Pricing and value for money
- Access for larger motorhomes
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A nice aire in a quiet location, let down only due to impossible access for larger units.
User Review
( votes)The Sully sur Loire aire is located approximately half a mile from the magnificent chateau and close to Sully sur Loire town centre. The aire is easy to find, being on the same side of the river as the chateau. Local signs clearly indicate the aire. At the time of writing, free fresh water is available with a screw type connection for the hose. Grey water disposal is also available. Both services are free of charge.
Access to the Sully sur Loire aire is tight though for larger units and at a guess, 7.5m is the largest motorhome that could access the aire. There is however parking outside the aire for a couple of motorhomes. Noteworthy of a mention, aires are for the use of motorhomes only. Caravans are not permitted. The aire is in a quiet spot, with few passing vehicles. However, there is a nearby leisure complex which, when open (we visited out of season), may cause an increase in local traffic.
Caravanners wishing to stay in the area may find Camping le Jardin de Sully of interest.
Sully sur Loire aire – difficult access for larger ‘vans
Sully sur Loire aire has boulders and posts which prevent access for larger units
The photo above shows the Sully sur Loire aire. Note the large boulders and wooden posts – tricky access for a large unit….
Alas, it was not possible to access the aire with a tag axle motorhome.
…but space outside the Sully sur Loire aire for the “big ‘uns!” Adjancent to the aire is a large open area. We parked here initially but noted a gate with a padlock in situ. An attendant arrived at 1900, duly closing and locking the gate. Be careful if you park in this area. You may be locked in!
Details of our visit to the Chateau de Sully are here. There is a bit more information about the town and it’s environs here
For details of thousands of camperstops, have a read of our review of the Camperstop book.
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